Tangsel Youth Planner – 2019

Tangsel Youth Planner Logo

Tangsel Youth Planner (TYP) is a program that facilitates the thinking and work of South Tangerang’s youth in responding to various things about the city and planning an imaginative, creative, innovative, and solutive development.

The series of Tangsel Youth Planner workshops included Exposure to City Data and Urban Planning, History of South Tangerang City Archeology, Art Paradigm in Public Spaces, Exposure on Icons, Monuments, and Landmarks and practical sessions on making sculptures from resin.

Collaborating with South Tangerang’s Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA), this workshop was initiated by Tangsel Creative Foundation, with the hope of creating an ecosystem of young people in South Tangerang who have a great love for the city.

The process of Tangsel Youth Planner took place on August 2 – 4, 2019 at South Tangerang City Hall, Pasuryan Art Studio – Gunung Sindur, and Ibis Hotel – Gading Serpong.

Some of My Work: